For appointment to the below-mentioned position in the Kerala Government Service, applications are only being accepted online through One Time Registration from qualified candidates. Candidates should register through the Kerala Public Service Commission's official website in accordance with One Time Registration prior to applying for the position. A candidate's profile can be used to apply if they have already registered.
Post : Drug Inspector
Number of jobs: 3 (three) Expected
Department: Drugs Control
The pay scale is Rs. 55,200–1,15,300/-.
Qualifications: Bachelor's degree in pharmacy from a recognised university. MPharm (Pharmacy) was one of the qualifications accepted in the past for this job.
Age limit: 21-36. For this job, you must have been born between January 2, 1987, and January 1, 2002, both dates included. SC/ST candidates and people from other poor communities can get the usual age break.
1. Rule 10(a)(ii) of Part II of the KS&SSR applies. In addition to the qualifications listed in the notification, the qualifications recognised by executive orders or standing orders of the Government as equivalent to a qualification specified for a post, in the Special Rules, and those of those qualifications that require the attainment of the lower qualification specified for the post, shall also be enough for the post. When asked by the Commission, a copy of the government orders that say the standards are the same or better must be shown.
2. Person who are hired as Drugs Inspectors have to go to training for six months after they start their jobs.
3. Drug Inspectors who are hired through direct employment will start their probationary period after training if everything goes well.
4. Everyone who is hired as a Drugs Inspector must pass the Account Test (Lower) or the Account Test for Executive Officers during their probationary time, if they haven't already.
How to fill out an application:
(a) Before registering for the job, candidates must register as per "ONE TIME REGISTRATION" on the official website of the Kerala Public Service Commission, Candidates who have already signed up can apply by using their User-ID and password to log in to their profile. To apply for a job, candidates must click on the "Apply Now" button next to the post in the "Notification Link." The picture you upload should have been taken after December 31, 2013. Candidates who made a new profile on or after January 1, 2022, should post a photo that was taken within the last six months. At the bottom, it should be easy to read the candidate's name and the date the picture was taken. The photo will be valid for 10 years from the date it was uploaded, if it meets all the conditions. Other directions about how to upload pictures haven't changed. There is no application fee. Candidates are responsible for making sure that their personal information is right and that their password is kept secret. Before the final application on the profile is sent, candidates must make sure that the information in their profile is right. If they want to talk to the Commission again, they have to give the User-ID. The application that has been sent is only temporary, and it cannot be removed or changed after it has been sent. Candidates should print out or save a copy of their online entry for future use. Clicking on the "My applications" link in the candidate's biography lets them print out the application. If you write to the Commission about the application, you should include a copy of the application on paper with your letter. If the notice isn't followed when the application is being processed, the application will be quickly turned down. Original documents must be shown when asked to prove qualifications, experience, age, membership in a group, etc. If a candidate makes a change to their resume or asks the KPSC office to make a change after the deadline for applications, the change will not be made to the application. These changes won't take effect until the date that the changes were made.
(b) If a written, OMR, or online test is part of this selection process, candidates must confirm through their One Time Registration status that they will take the test. These people are the only ones who can make and download their Admission Tickets 15 days before the Test. Candidates whose applications aren't confirmed by the deadline will have their applications completely thrown out. The Examination Calendar will have information about when confirmations need to be sent in and when Admission Tickets will be available. Information about this will be put in the candidate's biography and sent to their registered cell phone number.
(c) "Candidates who have an AADHAR card should put it in their profile as proof of identity."
Special Instructions for Applicants
(a) If the Caste/Community on the application is different from what is written in the SSLC book, the candidate must show a Gazette Notification and a Non-Creamy Layer Certificate/Community Certificate when the certificates are checked.
(b) Before sending an application for the job, candidates must read Part II, General Conditions, of the announcement and make sure they understand it. Applications that don't follow the rules set out in the General Conditions may be turned down.
(c) According to Rule 22 of the Kerala Public Service Commission Rules of Procedure, candidates who lie on their applications about their education, experience, etc. will be punished. This could mean that they won't be considered for a certain job or that they won't be able to apply to the Commission again, either permanently or for a certain amount of time, or that their answer scripts or products will be thrown out.
Application deadline: Wednesday, July 19, 2023, at 12 a.m.
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